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The Myths of SEO

posted 29th Jun 2020

For something as dynamic and rapidly evolving as SEO there is always a chance of a few misinformation abounding from here and there. What you know (or think you know) about Search Engine Optimization Services, may have been true a few years ago, or even a few weeks ago, but have changed. So this article will give a retrospect of what is true and what is not.

Here are some of the myths you need to know and get by in order to be smart about SEO.

Myth 1: Metatag Descriptions Can Boost Your Rankings

Once metatags helped in boosting your SEO rankings. Well, not anymore; in fact, metatags are no longer even indexed by Google. But it does not mean that you should ignore them altogether: Your metatags form the text that will be displayed along with the link in the search results--and the more compelling the description is the more likelihood of users clicking on your listing instead of on others.

Myth 2: The More Inbound Links, the Better

Nope, not true. In all the recent updates to Google's algorithm, the search giant has made it a priority to give more precedence to quality rather than quantity. The days of having thousands of super low-quality links driving up rankings are now of a bygone era; in fact, creating those links can look more on the lines of click-baiting and phishing and get your site penalized in the process.

The focus should be on obtaining links from other websites that are far more relevant to your products, services, or industry—and/or on having those links be surrounded by relevant text. 

Myth 3: PageRank Still Matters

Remember Google's infamous PageRank? (Named so after Google co-founder and now-CEO Larry Page,) For the uninitiated it is a 1-to-10 ranking of the overall authority of every website; the bigger the number, the higher the rank. In years past, this seemingly all-powerful ranking system once dominated the attention of SEO experts.

But today, Google's algorithm has evolved well beyond to not include any single indicator. The PageRank still exists, and if all things are equal, a higher PageRank trumps a lower one--but factors such as relevance, context matter and quality content, matter too.

As with inbound links: If you run a dental practice in Dubai, it's better to have a link from a site that reviews doctors and dentists in Dubai, even if it has a PageRank of 5, than to have a paid link with no context in a huge site with a higher PageRank of 8. 

Myth 4: Google Prefers Keyword-Rich Domains

In the past, Google always put on an unprecedented emphasis on keywords in the domain name (what you know as the URL). For example, would almost certainly be ranked first in a search for house roof siding.

Not anymore, says Google. If is, in fact, the more relevant, important site on the topic, it will more likely still rank first--but not because of its domain name alone.

Myth 5: Websites Must Be 'Submitted' to Search Engines

In 2001, yes, this was the case—indeed. But in 2012? It is not. At this point, if there is any connection from any site to yours, your site will be quickly discovered by Google.

Note that being indexed is a far cry from achieving high rankings--but that initial step of submission is no longer needed or necessary.

Myth 6: Good SEO Is Basically About Trickery

Falsification of the highest degree. Although there are still some SEO experts out there who go about their business trying to "trick Google," this is not the recommended way to get a lasting SEO Impression.

Good SEO is about creating a relevant, informative website, with unique content and a great user experience, and encouraging the sharing and distribution of great content to drive organic publicity and links back to your site.

In the end, this is exactly what Google explicitly wants to reward with high rankings--so it is anything but "tricking" the search engines.

To know more about our SEO services you can visit our website here.

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