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Why do visitors bounce off from your site?

posted 7th Dec 2017

Being a website owner, you have to strive hard for attracting visitors to your site. But, what if they leave as soon as they enter the site. It can’t get more frustrating, right?

Of course, it is a huge struggle to convince visitors to stay on your site. There is an explosion of contents and an ocean of information available on the internet today. Accordingly, the bouncing rate will increase, if your website is not doing well.

By the way, what is bounce rate?

To be simple, bounce rate is the percentage of your visitors who leave your website after viewing only a single page/post. However, you can check your website bounce rate on google analytics. An average time spent on a website is 58 seconds. Merely, this is not the case with every website. Nevertheless, you can decrease the bounce rates from your website by making use of some of the best practices. But before that, you should know why they bounce off your site.

Here are 5 possible reasons why the visitors bounce back from your site. 

It takes time to load

Is your website loading painfully slow? Did you know that 25% of visitors will leave the page if it doesn’t load in less than 4 seconds? Do you expect the existing visitors of your website to click on anything else if it is slow?  In this high-speed internet era, your visitor is not going to wait forever, regardless of how great your content is. Undoubtedly, they will have the tendency to escape from your site. After all, you can’t expect them to stay if your website is moving like a tortoise.


Being a website owner, you might be thinking this is a great tool to attract the visitor’s attention. But seriously folks, being a visitor all I can say is pop-ups are really annoying. When you get pop-ups as soon as you enter the site, the visitors will click the “back arrow” button. Even if they stay on your website, they will close the pop-up window without even reading it. Therefore, if you have any plans to implement pop-ups, do it in the right way!!

Complex navigation

Feeling breathless while opening a website is the most embarrassing moment for both the website owner and the visitor. Obviously, it is super irritating when you open a website and you don’t even know where to click or what to do. There are a lot of excellent websites with great content but freaked out navigation. However, if your visitors are not able to navigate properly, ready to face a goodbye from them.

Awful designs

Definitely, you have a great blog. But, what if the size of the font is small? There is a high chance for your visitors to bounce from your website if the contents are not readable. At the same time, the color and font should complement each other. You should know about the latest trends in web design so that you can keep yours updated. Remember, your web design could make a huge impact on conversions and visitors retention.

Nothing much to show

So you have everything working properly; no pop-ups, great navigations, good design and high speed. And still, people are bouncing off your website. What could be the possible reason for that?

It might be because you are not showcasing enough content.

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