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5 things customers want to see on your e-commerce website

posted 15th Oct 2017

Business owners can no longer afford to ignore the myriad benefits of selling online!! Well, i am not going to talk about the advantages of e-commerce sites, we know how it works. What i do want to talk about now is your customer’s expectation. Obviously there is no fixed rules or e-commerce web design to be followed, to make your site reach the peak of popularity, but there are certain desirable things that keep the customers hooked on to your site. Through innovation and customer appreciation methods, your company can retain the existing customers and expand the client base. Here are few things that your customer would like to see on your online store:

Free shipping

Don’t expect compromise for paid shipping from your customers. They value free shipping and it is one factor that leads customers to finalize the product. Promote this service in the checkout screen and you are done.

Fun contests and giveaways

Holding fun contests and giveaways will definitely drag your customers back into the site. Holiday giveaways with orders reaching a certain monetary threshold is a good example for this.

Coupons and rewards

Who hates being rewarded for the loyalty? Start implementing a point system. Points will encourage customers to buy more from you. Coupons are something that will please your clients and increase your chance for more orders.

Customer reviews and testimonials

Ok, this is very important guys, because customers rely on testimonials. It became easier for the visitor to make the purchase by seeing online shopper review. Please ensure they are helpful enough for other visitors.

Struggle free returns

Make sure that your return policy is buyer friendly. If we are buying something from a traditional shop, it is easy to go back and get the product exchanged. But when it comes to online stores, remember there are lots of competitors. Give your client the best service, they will stick on with you.

Interested in knowing more about e-commerce websites in Dubai, click here.

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