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posted 12th Dec 2017

Of course, you can impress your website visitors with an enticing design. You can hold them to your site with interesting contents. Finally, you can convince them about the advantages of the product. But, creating an immediacy (that urge to buy the product or use your service right now), is not that easy as you think.

Your website should look professional and attractive. Since websites act as the face of your business, its primary role is to welcome and engage visitors. Furthermore, it is an ultimate platform to deliver your brand messages and provides information regarding your business. 

For your information, your lead-to-sale conversion is the percentage of visitors who are landing on your site and taking the desired action. It could be anything from filling in an email catch form to subscribing a newsletter.

So, how do you convert website traffic into sales? According to your niche, there are a lot of techniques that can be done. However, there is no single solution. Here are a few tips that can be applied. 

Reflect your brand story 

It is known that brand storytelling is great tactics to build B2B relationships. However, it is one factor which attracts readers, making it more approachable. Hence, keep your brand story in mind and design your web site. Show the visitors who you are and make them realize that your company is made up of real human beings who are willing to help them reach their goals.

Maintain clarity

Present your contents in capsule format. Baffled by the word capsule? Ok, let me explain. Visitors usually scan your pages with their short attention span and time constraints. Therefore the capsule contents are easier for them to consume; that is contents displayed in small pieces performs best. Visuals, like single photos with a caption, is an example.

Quality contents

Having quality contents on your website not only makes it available to search engines, but also forces the visitors to stick on to it. Without good content, visitors won’t stay around for long and they will hesitate to share contact information. However, if the content is not engaging visitors won’t take advantage of any of the conversion techniques. 

Consider the rise of mobile devices

More than half of google searches are from mobile phones. Undoubtedly, people are accessing your website from different mobile devices. Hence it is important to emphasize that, designing for mobile devices can have a major impact on customer experience and SEO.

Keep focused on your objective

What is the most important element of a website? It is the objective you want to achieve. Each website should aim to attain a particular response from each visitor.

With the above tips, you can persuade your visitors to become customers. To know more about how a website should appeal to increase conversion, ping us.

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